terça-feira, julho 17

Se a minha vida tivesse banda sonora...

... este single estaria presente na colectânea.

"Nice And Easy"

Lets take it nice and easy
Its gonna be so easy
For us to fall in love

Hey baby whats your hurry
Relax and dont you worry
Were gonna fall in love

Were on the road to romance - thats safe to say
But lets make all the stops along the way

The problem now of course is
To simply hold your horses
To rush would be a crime
cause nice and easy does it every time


2 criaturas afundaram esta pérola:

Hélder Teixeira disse...

Muito boa, mas a melhor dele é sem dúvida "Send In The Clowns".

Blueminerva disse...

As músicas de Sinatra são invariavelmente boas. E a voz... meu Deus aquela voz...